Lowongan Jakarta DENKA KC: Teknisi Senior
Indonesian Senior Engineers
SMEC is a leading Australian Engineering Consultancy providing services in the sectors of transport, energy, water and waste and institutional support. For our ongoing and future projects in Indonesian (with DENKA as permanently local partner company), we are looking for Indonesian EXPERTS for the following positions:
- Senior Irrigation Engineers / Team Leaders - engineering, institutional and economic aspects.
- Senior Integrated Water Resources Management / River Basin Management Experts
- Flood Mitigation and/or Flood Protection Specialists with experience in river training works, mathematical modeling and flood forecasting.
- Drainage Engineer
- Structural Engineer
- Hydrologist
- Environmental Specialist
- Resettlement/Social Specialist
- Agro-economist / Team Leaders in farm income development
- Water Utility Managers
- Water Utility Operations and Maintenance Engineers
- Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervision Engineers
- Electrical and Electromechanical Engineers with experience in pumping station and SCADA systems (telemetry).
Candidates should have a minimum of 10 years professional experience in developing countries working with major donors such as Asian Development Bank, EU and World Bank.
Please send your application (letter and CV) under the code number IDP037/ERDS/VI/06 to :
SMEC International Pty Ltd, cq. DENKA KC pt.,
2nd fl NHB Bld. Melawai Raya 14, Kebayoran Baru � Jakarta 12140.
E-mail : teguh@denka.co.id
Phone: +62 21 270 03 67. Fax : +62 21 720 57 24.
More about us available on website :
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2. Ikuti info beasiswa Indonesia via email agar tidak ketinggalan, klik disini untuk bergabung.
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